Create Reusable Dynamic Reporting Templates

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How to create reusable dynamic Web form as template ...

(For Google Chrome; minor differences for other browsers)

Step 1. Determine template unit function (e.g. dropdown list, checkbox list, etc.), 

       then click on desired item under "File Download" to download the file.

(Step 2. Drag the downloaded file to the "Form JSON" box to review the corresponding form)

Step 3. Open the downloaded file (by double-click) in a text editor

Step 4. Modify the data element to your needs (by replacing text lines in the file), See below for specifics.

Step 5. Save the modified file, and upload to the platform to view the new form

       Repeat steps 1 - 5 above till a template / Web form is completed.

Step 6. Download all uploaded files as a single combined file by

             clicking "Download combine form JSON"

Step 7. Rename the combined JSON file and save it locally for future use. 

* Watch this -  

How to Customize Templates for Web Dynamic Forms

  1. Determine the template unit function (e.g. dropdown list, checkbox list, etc.) or an sample template, then click on the desired file under File Download to download.
  2. Find the downloaded file (likely in "Download" folder), then open the downloaded file to edit in a text editor.
  3. Edit the title of the data element select the highlighted line of text (do not delete the quotation marks), delete, then type in your chosen title.


  "Specimen Type and Surgical Procedure": {

    "type": "object",

    "properties": {

      "Specimen Type:": {

        "type": "array",

        "uniqueItems": true,

        "items": {

          "type": "string",

          "anyOf": [


  1. Change the options of the data element select the item you wish to change within the quotations and replace with your data.


  "Specimen Type and Surgical Procedure": {

    "type": "object",

    "properties": {

      "Specimen Type:": {

        "type": "array",

        "uniqueItems": true,

        "items": {

          "type": "string",

          "anyOf": [


              "type": "string",

              "enum": [

                "Choice 1 (Replace this and following choices as needed)"




              "type": "string",

              "enum": [

                "Left breast (example) "




              "type": "string",

              "enum": [

                "Choice 3 "




  1. Delete data elements more than needed from the list , select each block between “{ "  and “ }, " then hit delete.


            "type": "string",

            "enum": [

              "Axillary lymph nodes"




            "type": "string",

            "enum": [

              "Choice 3"



  1. After deletion, make sure that the last block of code ends with “ } “ instead of  “ }, ” as shown below.


            "type": "string",

            "enum": [

              "Axillary lymph node"






            "type": "string",

            "enum": [

              "Pathology stage pT2b"








  1. To add additional data element, copy the code block between "{ " and "},", paste the block after a "},".
  2. Once done, save the file locally.
  3. Drag and drop the newly edited file into the box under Form JSON to view (after each change if necessary).        
  4. Repeat steps 1-9 until all parts of a template / form are added.
  5. Select “Download as combined form JSON” to download all uploaded files as a single combined file. Rename the combined file.
  6. When you need the completed template again, simply upload this file back under Form JSON to use.
