New Diagnostic Entities

Updated:4/13/2020 8:40 AM

About this Section
The section introduces recently 
reported diagnostic entities. 
Check on the sources of report. 

The Entity
Sclerosing Epithelioid Mesenchymal Neoplasm of the Pancreas
-- Indolent neoplasm of the pancreas seen in adults
-- Female:Male = 6 : 2
-- No metastasis has been reported
-- Well-circumscribed solid lesion with alternating cellular and fibrotic areas
-- Poorly demarcated sheets of epithelioid cells with oval nucleus, coarse or stipple chromatin, occasional small nucleolus.
-- Fibrotic/sclerotic area with tumor cells dispersed among thick collagen strands.
-- Mitoses were rare, and no mucin production, 
-- Positive for AE1/3, CD99 and vimentin (all in 100% cases)
-- No distinct molecular profile
Main DDx.
Pancreatic ductal carcinoma: 
Sclerosing Epithelioid Fibrosarcomas
 Sarcomatoid Carcinomas of the Pancreas
Basturk O, Weigelt B, et al. Mod Pathol. 2020;33(3):456–467. doi:10.1038/s41379-019-0334-5,  Free Article 

Regenerative Hepatic Pseudotumor (RHP)
-- A benign reactive lesion
-- Visible on imaging with no characteristics, 2 to 9 cm
-- Female = Male, age 28 to 73 y
-- Grossly,  vague but visible borders with adjacent normal liver
-- Benign reactive liver parenchyma with central or portal vein thrombi.
-- Sinusoidal dilation, patchy bile ductular proliferation, and portal vein abnormalities.
Main DDx
Hepatic adenomas
Focal nodular hyperplasia, 
Torbenson M, et al.  Hum Pathol. 2020 Mar 25.    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2020.03.010