Grading & Scoring Schema in Surgical Pathology

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Bone & Joint

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Histologic Grading of Chondrosarcoma


Histologic Features

Grade 1 (low-grade)

Very similar to enchondroma; higher cellularity and mild cellular pleomorphism; small nuclei with open chromatin and small nucleoli; frequent binucleated cells; very rare mitoses. multinucleated giant cells may be seen.

Grade 2 (low-grade)

Higher cellularity than in Grade 1 tumors;  Characteristically moderate cellular pleomorphism, plump nuclei, frequent bi-nucleated cells, and occasional bizarre cells; rare mitoses; foci of myxoid change.

Grade 3 (high-grade)

Characteristically hypercellular (high cellularity), marked cellular pleomorphism, high N/C ratio, many bizarre cells and frequent mitoses (more than 1 per hpf);

Grading of Tumor Necrosis