Grading & Scoring Schema in Surgical Pathology

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FIGO Grading of Endometrial Carcinomas


Histological Grading Scheme for Endometrial Carcinoma


Well-differentiated with < 5% solid area, prominent / easily recognizable glandular pattern.


Moderately differentiated with 6-50% solid areas, mixed solid and glandular pattern.


>50% solid or entirely undifferentiated, minimal or no gland formation.


Significant nuclear atypia or nuclear atypia inappropriate for  architectural grade raises Grade I and Grade II tumors by one grade.  Do not include metaplastic squamous areas in FIGO grade


Nuclear Grading for Endometrial Carcinoma

Grading is based on the following 4 cytological features:

--  Prominent nucleoli

-- Irregular nuclear contour

-- Clumped chromatin

-- Nuclear size 3-4x normal

Grade I

Fewer than two

Grade II

Any two

Grade III

Three or four

Chronic/Sclerosing Allograft Nephropathy