Grading & Scoring Schema in Surgical Pathology

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Ovarian Mucious Tumors

Grade / Category

Histological Features (Mucious Tumors)


Grade 0

(Low Malignant Potential (LMP))

Complex glandular pattern with no stromal invasion. Up to three layers of cells with mild to moderate atypia may be observed. No severe atypia, solid areas, papillary tufting, or cribriform.

Grade 1

(Well Differentiated Carcinoma)

Either stromal invasion indicated by a desmoplastic host response, or epithelial stratification of 4 or more cell layers. Solid growth is <5%.


Grade 2

(Moderately Differentiated Carcinoma)

More complex glands or smaller glands are present with an increase in the degree of nuclear atypia. Stratification is greater and invasion is generally present. Solid areas are > % and <50%.


Grade 3

(Poorly Differentiated Carcinoma)

Marked nuclear atypia, pleomorphism, and multinucleated cells are characteristic. The glands are poorly formed and large sheets of tumor without glands or stroma are present (greater than 50% is solid). Mucin secretion may be lost in a majority of the cells, or seen only with special stains.



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Ovarian Endometrioid Carcinoma

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