Grading & Scoring Schema in Surgical Pathology

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Maternal inflammatory response


Suggested Diagnostic Terminology

Defining Histologic Features

1 (Early)

Acute subchorionitis or chorionitis

PMN in subchorionic fibrin and/or membrane trophoblast

2 (Intermediate)

Acute chorioamnionitis

Diffuse-patchy PMN in fibrous chorion and/or amnion

3 (Advanced)

Necrotizing chorioamnionitis

PMN karyorrhexis, amniocyte necrosis, and/or amnion basement membrane thickening/hypereosinophilia


1 (Mild - moderate)


No special terminology required Not severe as defined below

2 (Severe)


Severe acute chorioamnionitis or with subchorionic microabscesses. Confluent PMN (> 10 x 20 cells in extent) between chorion and decidua; > 3 isolated foci or continuous band


Chronic (or subacute) chorioamnionitis

Subamnionic mononuclear cell infiltrate with occasional PMN (meconium and hemosiderin-laden macrophages excluded)

Fetal inflammatory response