Grading & Scoring Schema in Surgical Pathology

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Gleason Grading Schema for Prostatic Adenocarcinoma

Gleason Pattern

Histological Features



Lobular masses, uniform small glands, no invasion



Lobular archetectue, irregular, fairly well circumscribed but infiltrate beyond the lobular margins into the surrounding non-neoplastic gland, +/- cribriform pattern



Irregular discreet individual glands with considerable variation in the size and shape infiltrate among non-neoplastic prostatic lobules. Large glands with a “perfect” cribriform pattern (i.e. rounded smooth contours and round, rigid evenly spaced secondary spaces.



Gland fusion, sheets of large cells with pale cytoplasm (like renal cell carcinoma). infiltrative growth, +/- glands. Very large cribriform coalescent glands with irregular contours and unevenly spaced secondary spaces.



Sheets of anaplastic cells, solid sheets +/- foci of glands, cords, single cells, or nests. Solid nests with comedo necrosis


Final score is the sum of the numbers assigned to the two major patterns, i.e. score = primary + secondary [e.g. Gleason score 7 (= 3 + 4)].


* Patterns 1 and 2 are almost never practically used in routine practice.

# Patterns 3 and 4 are the most frequently encountered. It is important to specify which one is the primary (main) pattern (has to be >50% of the total pattern seen). The secondary pattern is the minority of the tumor (< 50%, but at least 5%, of the pattern of the total tumor).

+ Pattern 5 is more often present as a minor component co-existing with dominant patterns 3 and 4. This is called “tertiary” pattern when there is a small component of a third (generally more aggressive) pattern. It is recommended that the tertiary pattern-5 should also be included in the grading.

$ Do not grade if the tumor has been treated.

MDAH [or BRODERS (MAYO)] Grading Schema for Prostatic Adenocarcinoma

MOSTOFI Grading Schema for Prostatic Adenocarcinoma